[49] Ochner, H.; Szilagyi, S.; Edte, M.; Esser, T. K.; Rauschenbach, S.; Malavolti, L., Kern, K.: Imaging conformations of holo-and apo-transferrin on the single-molecule level by low-energy electron holography Scientific Reports 13 (2023) pg. 10241 [download on publisher's website]

[48]  H Ochner, S Rauschenbach, L Malavolti: Electrospray ion beam deposition plus low-energy electron holography as a tool for imaging individual biomolecules​. Essays in Biochemistry 67 (2023) 151-163 [download on publisher's website]

[47]  Kelvin Anggara, Hannah Ochner, Sven Szilagyi, Luigi Malavolti, Stephan Rauschenbach, and Klaus Kern: Landing Proteins on Graphene Trampoline Preserves Their Gas-Phase Folding on the Surface​. ACS central science 9 (2023) 151-158 [download from publisher's website


[46]  Hannah Ochner, Sven Szilagyi, Moritz Edte, Luigi Malavolti, Stephan Rauschenbach, Klaus Kern: Phase Reconstruction of Low-Energy Electron Holograms of Individual Proteins​. ACS nano 16 (2022) [download on publisher's website]

[45]  Paul Fremdling, Tim K. Esser, Bodhisattwa Saha, Alexander A. Makarov, Kyle L. Fort, Maria Reinhardt-Szyba, Joseph Gault, and Stephan Rauschenbach: A Preparative Mass Spectrometer to Deposit Intact Large Native Protein Complexes. ACS nano 16 (2022) 14443-14455  [download on publisher's website]

[44]  Tim K Esser, Jan Böhning, Paul Fremdling, Mark T Agasid, Adam Costin, Kyle Fort, Albert Konijnenberg, Joshua D Gilbert, Alan Bahm, Alexander Makarov, Carol V Robinson, Justin L P Benesch, Lindsay Baker, Tanmay A M Bharat, Joseph Gault, Stephan Rauschenbach: Mass-selective and ice-free electron cryomicroscopy protein sample preparation via native electrospray ion-beam deposition. PNAS Nexus 4 (2022) pgac153 [download on publisher's website][download preprint bioRxiv]

[43]  Tim K. Esser, Jan Böhning, Paul Fremdling, Tanmay Bharat, Joseph Gault and Stephan Rauschenbach: Cryo-EM samples of gas-phase purified protein assemblies using native electrospray ion-beam deposition. Faraday Discussions 240 (2022) 67-80  [download on publisher's website]



[42]   Nilesh Vats, Devendra S Negi, Deobrat Singh, Wilfried Sigle, Sabine Abb, Suman Sen, Sven Szilagyi, Hannah Ochner, Rajeev Ahuja, Klaus Kern, Stephan Rauschenbach, Peter A van Aken: Catalyzing BondDissociation in Graphene via Alkali‐Iodide Molecules. Small 17 (2021) [download on publishers website]

[41]   Kelvin Anggara, Yuntao Zhu, Giulio Fittolani, Yang Yu, Theodore Tyrikos-Ergas, Martina Delbianco, Stephan Rauschenbach, Sabine Abb, Peter H Seeberger, Klaus Kern: Identifying the origin of local flexibility in a carbohydrate polymer. PNAS 118 (2021) [download on publishers website]

[40]   G Rinke, L Harnau, S Rauschenbach: Material and Charge Transport of Large Organic Salt Clusters and Nanoparticles in Electrospray Ion Beam Deposition. J. Am. Soc. Mass Spectrom. 32, 1648–1658 (2021) [download on publishers website]

[39]   Lukas Krumbein, Kelvin Anggara, Martina Stella, Tomasz Michnowicz, Hannah Ochner, Sabine Abb, Gordon Rinke, André Portz, Michael Dürr, Uta Schlickum, Andrew Baldwin, Andrea Floris, Klaus Kern, Stephan Rauschenbach: Fast Molecular Compression by a Hyperthermal Collision Gives Bond-Selective Mechanochemistry.  Phys. Rev. Lett. 126 (5), 056001 (2021), also: arXiv preprint arXiv:2007.04497 (2020) [download on publisher website, download on arXiv] 



[38]  Anggara, Kelvin; Zhu, Yuntao; Delbianco, Martina; Rauschenbach, Stephan; Abb, Sabine; Seeberger, Peter H.; Kern, Klaus: Exploring the Molecular Conformation Space by Soft Molecule-Surface CollisionJACS 142 (51), 21420-21427 (2020) [download on publisher website

[37] Nilesh Vats, Yi Wang, Suman Sen, Sven Szilagyi, Hannah Ochner, Sabine Abb, Marko Burghard, Wilfried Sigle, Klaus Kern, Peter A van Aken, Stephan Rauschenbach: Substrate-Selective Morphology of Cesium Iodide Clusters on Graphene. ACS nano 14 4626-4635 (2020) [download]

[36]  X Wu, Martina Delbianco, K Anggara, T Michnowicz, Alonso Pardo-Vargas, Priya Bharate, S Sen, M Pristl, S Rauschenbach, U Schlickum, S Abb, Peter H Seeberger, K Kern: Imaging single glycans. Nature 582 (7812), 375-378 (2020) [download]

[35]  L Bernier, M Taesch, S Rauschenbach, J Reiss: Transfer conditions and transmission bias in capillaries of vacuum interfaces. Internat. J. Mass Spec. 447, 116239 (2020) [download]



[34] Sabine Abb, Nathalie Tarrat, Juan Cortés, Bohdan Andriyevsky, Ludger Harnau, J Christian Schön, Stephan Rauschenbach, Klaus Kern: Carbohydrate Self‐Assembly at Surfaces: STM Imaging of Sucrose Conformation and Ordering on Cu (100)Angewandte Chemie 131, 8424-8428 (2019) [download]

[33]  Sabine Abb, Nathalie Tarrat, Juan Cortés, Bohdan Andriyevsky, Ludger Harnau, J Christian Schön, Stephan Rauschenbach, Klaus Kern: Polymorphism in carbohydrate self-assembly at surfaces: STM imaging and theoretical modelling of trehalose on Cu (100)RSC advances 9, 35813-35819 (2019) [download on publisher website]

[32]  L Bernier, H Pinfold, M Pauly, S Rauschenbach, J Reiss: Gas flow and ion transfer in heated ESI capillary interfacesJ. Amer. Soc. Mass Spec.  29, 761-773 (2019) [download on publisher website]



[31] A Portz, M Baur, G Rinke, S Abb, S Rauschenbach, K Kern, M Dürr: Chemical Analysis of Complex Surface-Adsorbed Molecules and Their Reactions by Means of Cluster-Induced Desorption/Ionization Mass SpectrometryAnal. Chem. 90, 3328-3334 (2018) 

[30] N Vats, S Rauschenbach, W Sigle, S Sen, S Abb, A Portz, M Dürr, M Burghard, PA van Aken, K Kern: Electron microscopy of polyoxometalate ions on graphene ions by electro spray ion beam depositionNanoscale 10, 4952-4961 (2018) 

[29]  Sarah Trimpin, I-Chung Lu, Stephan Rauschenbach, Khoa Hoang, Beixi Wang, Nicholas D Chubatyi, Wen-Jing Zhang, Ellen D Inutan, Milan Pophristic, Alexander Sidorenko, Charles N McEwen: Spontaneous charge separation and sublimation processes are ubiquitous in nature and in ionisation processes in mass spectrometry. J. Amer. Soc. Mass Spec. 29 (2), 304-315 (2017) 

[28] JW Gerlach, P Schumacher, M Mensing, S. Rauschenbach, I Cermak, B Rauschenbach: Ion mass and energy selective hyperthermal ion-beam assisted deposition setupRev. Sci. Instr. 88, 063306 (2017) 

[27] S. Rauschenbach, G. Rinke, R. Gutzler, S. Abb, A. Albargash, D. Le, T. Rahman, M. Dürr, L. Hanau & K. Kern: Two-Dimensional Folding of Polypeptides into Molecular Nanostructures at SurfacesACS Nano 11, 2420-2427 (2017) 

[26] J.-N. Longchamp, S. Rauschenbach, S. Abb, C. Escher, T. Latychevskaia, K. Kern, H.-W. Fink: Imaging proteins at the single molecule level. PNAS 114, 1474-1479 (2016) 

[25] S. Rauschenbach, M. Ternes, L. Harnau & K. Kern: Mass Spectrometry as a Preparative Tool for the Surface Science of Large Molecules. Annu. Rev. Anal. Chem. 9, 16.1–16.26 (2016) 

[24] C. Cervetti, A. Rettori, M. G. Pini, A. Cornia, A. Repollés, F. Luis, M. Dressel, S. Rauschenbach, K. Kern, M. Burghard, and L. Bogani: The classical and quantum dynamics of molecular spins on graphene. Nature Materials 15, 164-168 (2016) 

[23] S. Abb, L. Harnau, R. Gutzler, S. Rauschenbach & K. Kern: Two-dimensional honeycomb network through sequence-controlled self-assembly of oligopeptides. Nature Communications 7, 10335 (2016) 

[22] G. Rinke, S. Rauschenbach, S. Schrettl, T. N. Hoheisel, J. Blohm, R. Gutzler, F. Rosei, H. Frauenrath and K. Kern: Soft-Landing Electrospray Ion Beam Deposition of Reactive Molecules on Surfaces. Invited article Int. J. Mass. Spectrom. 337, 228–234, 100 Years of Mass Spec. Special Edition (2015)  

[21] Z. Deng, S. Rauschenbach, S. Stepanow, S. Klyatskaya, M. Ruben & K. Kern: Self-assembly of Bis(phthalocyaninato)Terbium on metal surfaces. Phys. Scr. 90, 098003  (2015)

[20] N. Abdurakhmanova, A. Mueller, S. Stepanow, S. Rauschenbach, M. Jansen, K. Kern and K. Y. Amsharov: Bottom up fabrication of (9, 0) zigzag and (6, 6) armchair carbon nanotube end-caps on the Rh(111) surface. Carbon 84, 444-447 (2015)  

[19] G. Rinke, S. Rauschenbach, L. Hanau, A. Albarghash, M. Pauly and K. Kern: Active Control of Protein Conformation on Metals by Hyperthermal Surface Interaction. Nanoletters 14, 5609-5615 (2014)  

[18] M. Pauly, M. Sroka, J. Reiss, G. Rinke, A. Albarghash, R. Vogelgesang, H. Hahne, B. Kuster, J. Sesterhenn, K. Kern and S. Rauschenbach: A hydrodynamically optimized nano-electrospray ionization source and vacuum interface. Analyst 139, 1856-1867 (2014) 

[17] C. S. Kley, C. Dette, G. Rinke, C. E. Patrick, J. Cechal, S. J. Jung, M. Baur, M. Dürr, S. Rauschenbach, F. Giustino, S. Stepanow and K. Kern: Atomic-Scale Observation of Multi-Conformational Binding and Energy Level Alignment of Ruthenium-Based Photosensitizers on TiO2 Anatase. Nano Lett. 14, 563-569 (2014)  

[16] G. Dubey, R. Urcuyo, S. Abb, G. Rinke, M. Burghard, S. Rauschenbach and K. Kern: Chemical Modification of Graphene via Hyperthermal Molecular Reaction. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 136, 13482-13485 (2014)  

[15] E. U. Stützel, T. Dufaux, A. Sagar, S. Rauschenbach, K. Balasubramanian, M. Burghard & K. Kern: Spatially resolved photocurrents in graphene nanoribbon devices. Appl. Phys. Lett. 102, 043106 (2013) 

[14] S. Rauschenbach, G. Rinke, N. Malinowski, R. T. Weitz, R. Dinnebier, N. Thontasen, Z. Deng, T. Lutz, P. M. de Almeida Rollo, G. Costantini, L. Harnau and K. Kern: Crystalline Inverted Membranes Grown on Surfaces by Electrospray Ion Beam Deposition in Vacuum. Adv. Mater. 24, 2761-2767 (2012)  

[13] S. Kahle, Z. Deng, N. Malinowski, C. Tonnoir, A. Forment-Aliaga, N. Thontasen, G. Rinke, D. Le, V. Turkowski, T. S. Rahman, S. Rauschenbach, M. Ternes and K. Kern: The Quantum Magnetism of Individual Manganese-12-Acetate Molecular Magnets Anchored at Surfaces. Nano Lett. 12, 518-521 (2012)  

[12] Z. Deng, N. Thontasen, N. Malinowski, G. Rinke, L. Harnau, S. Rauschenbach and K. Kern: A Close Look at Proteins: Submolecular Resolution of Two- and Three-Dimensionally Folded Cytochrome c at Surfaces. Nano Lett. 12, 2452-2458 (2012)  

[11] N. Thontasen, G. Levita, N. Malinowski, Z. Deng, S. Rauschenbach and K. Kern: Grafting Crown Ether Alkali Host-Guest Complexes at Surfaces by Electrospray Ion Beam Deposition. J. Phys. Chem. C 114, 17768-17772 (2010)  

[10] S. Stepanow, J. Honolka, P. Gambardella, L. Vitali, N. Abdurakhmanova, T.-C. Tseng, S. Rauschenbach, S. L. Tait, V. Sessi, S. Klyatskaya, M. Ruben and K. Kern: Spin and Orbital Magnetic Moment Anisotropies of Monodispersed Bis(Phthalocyaninato)Terbium on a Copper Surface. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 132, 11900-11901 (2010)  

[9] K. Amsharov, N. Abdurakhmanova, S. Stepanow, S. Rauschenbach, M. Jansen and K. Kern: Towards the Isomer-Specific Synthesis of Higher Fullerenes and Buckybowls by the Surface-Catalyzed Cyclodehydrogenation of Aromatic Precursors. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 49, 9392–9396 (2010)  

[8] S. Rauschenbach, R. Vogelgesang, N. Malinowski, J. W. Gerlach, M. Benyoucef, G. Costantini, Z. Deng, N. Thontasen and K. Kern: Electrospray Ion Beam Deposition: Soft-Landing and Fragmentation of Functional Molecules at Solid Surfaces. ACS Nano 3, 2901-2910 (2009)  

[7] R. T. Weitz, L. Harnau, S. Rauschenbach, M. Burghard and K. Kern: Polymer Nanofibers via Nozzle-Free Centrifugal Spinning. Nano Lett. 8, 1187-1191 (2008)  

[6] R. T. Weitz, S. Rauschenbach, A. Forment-Aliaga, M. Burghard and K. Kern: Growth Mechanism of Solution-Deposited Layers of the Charge-Transfer salt CuDDQ. Phys. Stat. Sol. B 244, 4346–4350 (2007)  

[5] D. Payer, S. Rauschenbach, M. Konuma, C. Virojanadara, U. Starke, C. Dietrich, J. Collin J.P.and Sauvage, N. Lin and K. Kern: Toward Mechanical Switching of Surface-Grafted [2]catenante by In-Situ Copper Complexation. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 129, 15662-15667 (2007)  

[4] S. Rauschenbach, F. L. Stadler, E. Lunedei, N. Malinowski, S. Koltsov, G. Costantini and K. Kern: Electrospray Ion Beam Deposition of Clusters and Biomolecules. Small 2, 540-547 (2006)  

[3] M. Röttgen, K. Judai, J.-M. Antonietti, S. Rauschenbach, K. Kern and U. Heiz: Conical octopole ion guide: Design, focusing, and its application to the deposition of low energetic clusters. Rev. Sci. Instr. 77, 013302 (2006)  

[2] M. G. Nikolaides, S. Rauschenbach and A. R. Bausch: Characterization of a silicon-on-insulator based thin film resistor in electrolyte solutions for sensor appl. J. Appl. Phys. 95, 3811 (2004)  

[1] M. G. Nikolaides, S. Rauschenbach, S. Luber, K. Buchholz, M. Tornow, G. Abstreiter and A. R. Bausch: Silicon-on-Insulator Based Thin-Film Resistor for Chemical and Biological Sensor Applications. Chem. Phys. Chem. 4, 1104-1106 (2003)