Frontiers in Native Mass Spectrometry and Single-Molecule Imaging
Combining precise chemical information from mass spectrometry (MS) with high-resolution imaging methods like electron microscopy (cryoEM, TEM) or scanning probe microscopy (AFM, STM) pushes the frontiers and scope of chemical and structural analysis to atomic resolution of individual complex molecules.
This workshop meeting brings together an emerging community of scientists from analytical, preparative, and native mass spectrometry, molecular electron microscopy and scanning probe microscopy to explore the possibilities and challenges of the novel approaches at the frontier of native mass spectrometry and single-molecule imaging.
The conference handle, MS+M_22, stands for Mass Spectrometry plus Microscopy, expressing the vision that this sum is greater than its parts.
Session Topics:
Each oral session will be led by one or two keynote talks (30 mins) outlining the achievements and challenges of the topic, accompanied by several invited and contributed lectures.
Single-Particle Cryo-EM: Expanding the scope
- Novel imaging, processing, and reconstruction approaches
- Challenges of sample preparation and new approaches
Structural Mass Spectrometry: native MS, ion mobility, and cross linking
- Gas phase structure vs. solution structure
- Computational approaches
Scanning Probe Microscopy: Imaging of individual molecules
- Atomic resolution imaging of surface adsorbed biological molecules
- Interrogating molecular properties with SPM
Emerging methods: imaging, sample preparation, and data analysis
- Preparative Mass Spectrometry: a novel preparative tool for molecular imaging
- Tomography, Ptychography, Holography (in EM or with low energy electrons)
- Coherent diffraction methods at accelerator light sources (XFEL).
Invited Speakers:
Yifan Cheng University of California-San Francisco
Carol Robinson Oxford University
Brian Chait Rockefeller University
Albert Heck Utrech University
Alexander Makarov Thermo Fisher Scientific
Michal Sharon Weizmann Institute of Science
Andrea Sinz Martin Luther University
Frank Sobott University of Leeds
Vicki Wysocki Ohio State University
Pilar Cossio Flatiron Institute
Tim Grant University of Wisconsin–Madison
Leonard Grill University of Graz
Tatiana Latychevskaia Paul Scherrer Institute
Alex Noble New York Structural Biology Center
Hannah Ochner Max Planck Institute for Solid State Research
Christopher Russo MRC Laboratory, Cambridge University
Xu Wu Chinese Academy of Science
Ulrich Lorenz EPFL, Lausanne
Ying Jiang Bejing University
Kelvin Anggara Max Planck Institute for Solid State Research
Perdita Barran University of Manchester
Johannes Barth, Andreas Walz Technical University Munich*
David Clemmer Indiana University
Julia Laskin Purdue University
Tim Esser Oxford University
Brandon Ruotolo University of Michigan
Michael Westphall University of Wisconsin–Madison
We accept registrations with and without contributions.
(1) with contribution (poster or talk):
- Register (link below)
- Download the template.
- Send the abstract to msplusm_22@chem.ox.ac.uk.
(2) and without contribution.
- Only register (link below)
To register please follow the link to the Webshop of the University of Oxford.
- You need to register an account with the Webshop.
- Indicate the category: regular or student
Students include graduate and undergraduate students.
Please send an image of the student id or equivalent to msplusm_22@chem.ox.ac.uk.
- Accommodation: Rooms are available in college or you can choose to register without accommodation.
Wadham has a limited capacity of en-suite bathroom accommodation, and all shared bathrooms are shared in amongst 3 to 4 bedrooms on average.
Please let us know if you require an en-suite bathroom, and we will endeavour to allocate these as best as possible, but cannot be guaranteed.
More on-suite rooms or larger apartments could be made available off the College main site in the nearby Dorothy Wadham building at Iffley Road.
- Conference dinner included
- Note: Invited speakers will have received a password.
- Note: You can only register one person at a time, otherwise you receive an error message.
Poster or talk abstract submission: 5th JULY 2022
Note that attendance is limited and early registration is encouraged.
After the deadline, you might still register, however, for attendance only and we cannot guarantee the availability of accommodation.
(please contact the conference admin to request if there is still accommodation: msplusm_22@chem.ox.ac.uk)
Fees and bursaries:
We aim for a self-sustainable fee with the support of our sponsors. The fee will include the conference, accommodation, conference dinner, and excursion. There will be support for students. Fees will be waived for invited speakers, for who also a travel support is offered.
Founded in 1610, Wadham College is one of the 45 colleges and halls that form the University of Oxford. The conference lectures will be in the historic Holywell Music Room of the Wadham College. Attendees will be housed in the colleges ancient and modern buildings, which over the summer offer accommodation on a business hotel/BnB level. The social program will include a Conference Dinner in the grand hall of the College as well as an excursion into the city and surrounding of Oxford.
This meeting is organized in partnership by University of Oxford, the University of Wisconsin-Madison and the University of Michigan, with support from several sponsors.
Program Panel with Local(*) Organisers:
Stephan Rauschenbach* (contact: stephan.rauschenbach@chem.ox.ac.uk)
Josh Coon (University of Wisconsin-Madison)
Brandon Ruotolo (University of Michigan)
Michael Westphall (University of Wisconsin-Madison)
Joseph Gault* (Vertex Pharmaceuticals)
Tim Esser* (University of Oxford)
Lindsay Baker* (University of Oxford)
Tanmay Bharat* (University of Oxford)
Please contact us at msplusm_22@chem.ox.ac.uk if you have further questions or comments about the conference, the program, or your attendance. We are looking forward to seeing you at the meeting.