Group Members
Stephan Rauschenbach
group leader and PI
email: stephan.rauschenbach[at]
Tel: +44(0)1865-2 72620
Office: CRL ground floor office 6
Short Bio
Since 2017 Prof. of Physical Chemistry, University of Oxford
Tutorial Fellow of Wadham College.
2007-2017 Group leader, Electrospray Ion Beam Deposition Lab, Department
Max-Planck-Institute for Solid State Research, Stuttgart.
2007 Dr. sc. (PhD) in Physics, École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL).
2004 –2007 PhD student, Max-Planck-Institute for Solid State Research
1997-2003 Study of Physics at the University of Augsburg, ETH Zürich, TU München
Tim Esser (Thermo Fisher Scientific)
During his doctoral studies at the University of Leipzig, Tim developed a cryogenic mass spectrometer for spectroscopy of single nanoparticles. He joined the Rauschebach group as a postdoc in 2019 to work on an interface between native mass spectrometry and cryo electron microscopy. In 2022, he joined Thermo Fisher Scientific and continues to work on collaborative projects in the Rauschebach lab.
email: tim.esser[at] / tim.esser[at]
LinkedIn |
Márkó Grabarics (Postdoc)
Márkó joined our group in May 2022 after completing his doctoral studies at the Freie Universität Berlin and the Fritz Haber Institute in Germany. Under the supervision of Prof. Kevin Pagel, his research focused on the structural characterization of complex carbohydrates using ion mobility-mass spectrometry and cryogenic infrared spectroscopy. Bringing along his strong interest in carbohydrate structure and analysis, Márkó is now working on the combination of ion soft landing with scanning probe microscopy to study individual glycan molecules on surfaces.
email: marko.grabarics[at]
Isabelle Legge
Izzy (Wadham College) is undertaking her final year (Part II) research project in the group using electrospray ion-beam deposition and atomic force microscopy. Outside of the lab, Izzy is the president of her college rowing team.
Lukas Eriksson
Lukas (Lady Margret Hall) is completing his Part II working on soft-landing instrumentation development for Scanning Tunneling Microscopy of biological molecules. In his spare time, he enjoys cooking, hiking, and cheese.
Asha Thompson
Asha (Worcester College) is a Part II student using electrospray ion-beam deposition to study proteins on surfaces. When she is not in the lab, she is known to frequent a pub or two.
Former Group Members
Paul Fremdling (DPhil student 2018-2022)
Joseph Gault (Postdoc 2018-2020)
Mark Agasid (Postdoc 2021)
Ikhlaas Pokun (Part-II student, 2018/19)
Dhiren De Silva (Part-II student, 2019/20)
Samuel Britton (Part-II student, 2019/20)
Alex Butler (Part-II student, 2020/21)
Alex Eacott (Part-II student, 2020/21)
Jovana Pepic (Part-II student, 2021/22)
Michael Freeman (Part-II student, 2021/22)
Thomas Auckland (Part-II student, 2021/22)
Links displayed here lead to external pages of the past group member. While we check for them being relevant and appropriate, those are external links, and the material is not our responsibility. Please contact us to request contact to past members.